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[Gzz] Notes on history

From: Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
Subject: [Gzz] Notes on history
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 18:08:21 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Notes on project history as I remember it, complementing what I already
found at

Questions - when did Kimmo Wideroos come and go?

2000 spring: Ted Nelson visits Jyväskylä and plants a seed to at least

fall: AJK works on Thales Clang, completing a partial design.

      While working on Thales Clang, AJK designs an extended, fully
      general cursor mechanism, for use as a pointer system in Thales
      Clang, which is adopted

      Tuomas has the idea of Heraclitus Clang, work on Thales Clang
      is abandoned but Heraclitus is never moved beyond initial idea

      AJK starts working on release engineering.  First prerelease in
      September, first full release (0.1.0) two weeks later.  0.4.0 is
      released in December.

      AJK also becomes the hostmaster/postmaster for www.gzigzag.org etc.

      After abandoning Clang work, AJK goes on to design a network
      protocol for sharing spaces.

      Cat joins the project.  (The current version is mistaken in this -
      I can remember Cat working with us before the move to Agora, she
      came aboard around the time of Ted's visit, I believe.)

      Tuomas - don't forget Nile! :-)

spring: AJK continues working on release engineering.  Three releases
      are made (0.5.0, 0.5.1 and 0.6.0).  AJK also worked on
      making new releases understand old data (a frequent complaint from
      Marlene at the time).

      AJK implements code to import past versions of a space read-only
      to the "head" version.

      AJK's work on the network protocol continues and a spec is nearly
      finished.  AJK implements a stripped-down version.

      Tuomas comes up with the idea of Mediaserver and the network
      protocol stuff is abandoned in favour of Mediaserver.

      While contributing to Mediaserver, AJK comes up with the name
      Storm (for STorage Module) for a subcomponent of Mediaserver.
      AJK writes the first version of the future HTTP-Kit as part of

      Cat leaves the project.  AJK takes over Cat's paperwork duties.

summer: AJK and Benja deliver a joint talk on ZZ programming langauages
      at the first ZZ workshop at HT01

fall: AJK continues administrative stuff: release engineering (0.6.1 is 
      hostmaster/postmaster, paperwork.  He no longer participates very
      actively in substance stuff.
      AJK leaves the project as a paid member at the end of the year.

spring: AJK continues release engineering as volunteer (0.6.2 and 0.6.3
      are released).

      GZigZag project is asked to cease using that name by Ted Nelson.
      The name is changed to GZZ in March.  GZigZag is removed from
      Debian,  and it was hoped that a renamed 0.6.4 would be released
      soon.  However, nobody did the necessary boring work of renaming
      to the stable code, so GZZ never entered Debian.

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % address@hidden % http://www.iki.fi/gaia/ %%%

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