This means that you will need to have archives for each modules like:
But you could always have your all in one archives.
Remember that right now e have 12 modules. Next year, with specialties, we should be getting close to 20.
We need to make it simple to the end user. One single file to download, a configure script and a (but we can have also local setup for specific modules ). The installation process must be straight forward. Today it's quite simple. The idea of a "profile" works just fine.
In order to maintain scalability and development, we have to keep all this modules in the same Tryton version and in a single tar.gz . In other words, every release will have all the modules, and no module will have a different version than the others at any given release.
We need to think that this is not like product or accounting . It's a Hospital Information System, and most of the modules will be needed at once.
There is of course room for optimization in the packaging and installation process. For example, the installer could download the tar.gz and install the modules given as arguments, with their dependencies.
> > This brings me to a new question how do we contribute?
> >
> We are in the process of migrating everything to the Savannah. We'll have
> already the mailing lists, task manager and Mercurial repository.
> You're a member already, so you should be able to use the resources.
Ok. But what is the workflow? How do we agree on changes? Should we use
codereview? etc.
I think codereview is a good idea.