Dear Edgar
On Tue, 13 Apr 2021 09:38:07 +0200
Edgar Hagenbichler <> wrote:
Dear all,
when I try at the server to print a report
of Financial/Invoices/Customer Invoices (SERV 2016/007, but the same
with the other invoices) I get the error:
File "<string>", line 375, in <Expression
File "/trytond/ir/", line 313, in get
('code', '=', code),
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 1, got 0)
Am I doing something wrong?
You need to set the user language of the parties:
You can do it via:
Parties -> Party Configuration -> Party Language
That would work.
PS: You can set a particular language under the Party "General" tab.
Look for the "Language" field, but for the whole system, the easiest
way is the one I explained before :)
All the best