Dear community,
I need your assistance with the duplicating of an existing database under gnuhealth 3.01.
I proceeded as follows:
As gnu health user
Step 1: Backup your database
$ pg_dump -C health30 > health30.sql
Step 2: Create an empty database to import the backup database into
$ createdb --encoding=unicode health30_v2
Step 3: Import the database into the newly created database
$ psql health30_v2 < health30.sql
I get errors and an empty database health30_v2
However when I import the demo database downloded from the official gnuhealth web site, into health30_v2, everything is OK.
I suspect that the problem is coming from Step 1. There might be a problem with my backup.
I already asked the same question in the Tryton discussion group. At that time I thought that I did something wrong. However, I did the test again and I cannot figure out where the problem is.
Thank you so much for your help.
Kind regards,