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Re: [Help-bash] stdout and stderr to two different process substitutions

From: Greg Wooledge
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] stdout and stderr to two different process substitutions
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 15:54:41 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 01:48:24PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
>              |   | --err:2-->
>     --in:0-->|foo|
>              |   | --out:1-->/dev/fd/63--\
>                                           |
>     /------------------------------------/
>    |
>    |                 |         |    | --err:2-->
>     \-->/dev/fd/63-->|--in:0-->|gzip|
>                      |         |    | --out:1-->xx.gz

That all looks correct.

>   Apply 2> >(tee yy), start with tee yy first.
>              |   | --err:2-->
>     --in:0-->|tee|
>              |   | --out:1-->yy

But that does not.  tee inherits foo's stdout, so its out:1 arrow
should be pointing to the /dev/fd/63 thing.  tee will open the file
"yy" as a new FD, which is not show in your diagram at all -- it won't
open it as stdout.

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