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Re: [Help-bash] set -u in an arithmetic context

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] set -u in an arithmetic context
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 11:01:15 -0600
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On 04/26/2012 10:14 AM, Bill Gradwohl wrote:
> Finding out that -u doesn't work unless the variable is referenced with $
> or ${} is a disappointment.

Especially since 'set -u' _does_ affect arithmetic expansion (although I
couldn't quickly find such a requirement in POSIX, so we may have a hole
in the standard):

$ bash -c 'unset i; echo $(( i )); set -u; echo $(( i ))'
bash: i: unbound variable
$ ksh -c 'unset i; echo $(( i )); set -u; echo $(( i ))'
ksh: line 1: i: parameter not set

So the problem here is that (()) is behaving differently than $(())
regarding auto-expansion of unset variables into 0.

>> unset i
>> ((! i)) && echo "yes"
>> yes
>> ((! $i)) && echo "yes"
>> bash: ((: ! : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "! ")
> I would prefer a failure in both cases.

So would I, under consistency rules, and to match the fact that ksh does
likewise.  But it looks like we already have that, in my testing:

$ ksh -c 'unset i; if ((i)); then :; fi'
$ ksh -uc 'unset i; if ((i)); then :; fi'
ksh: line 1: i: parameter not set
$ bash -c 'unset i; if ((i)); then :; fi'
$ bash -uc 'unset i; if ((i)); then :; fi'
bash: i: unbound variable

Could it be a case of you not having the latest bash, and that this was
fixed in the meantime?

Eric Blake   address@hidden    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library

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