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Re: [Help-bash] bash beginner

From: Greg Wooledge
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] bash beginner
Date: Fri, 11 May 2012 13:54:52 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:47:51AM -0500, Muriel Diaz wrote:
> I want to execute a line comand (autodock4 -p flename.dpf -l filename.dlg)
> in many folders in a directory. is It posibble?. the line
> comand corresponds to a program called autodock. The name of file .dpf
> (input file)  varies in each folder of the directory. The file .dlg is the
> output file. How can I do it?

Some assumptions have to be made here, because it's not all clear.

Is there precisely *one* .dpf file per directory?  With unknown name?
And do you want the output file to have the same name, except for the
.dlg suffix?  And it's just a single level of subdirectories, not
fully recursive?

for dir in */; do
  ( cd "$dir" || exit; file=(*.dpf); output=${file%.dpf}.dlg;
    autodock4 -p "$file" -l "$output" )

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