On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 12:29:28PM -0700, Jesse Molina wrote:
address@hidden>eval echo 'one&uno&ichi'
[3] 14201
[4] 14202
-bash: uno: command not found
-bash: ichi: command not found
Okay, that's definitely not what I wanted. Eval seems to have evaluated
my "&" characters into being a split and then tries to background those
Yes. As expected. Your command is identical to:
echo one&uno&ichi
Can I "set" something to make this work, or am I going to have to escape
these on input?
To make what work? What's the goal? If you just want to echo that
string, remove the eval and keep the quotes.
While on the subject of eval, does anyone else have fun examples, known
pitfalls, and other interesting things?
http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/048 has some discussion, but is
somewhat light on examples.