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files: action ambiguity

From: Wil Cooley
Subject: files: action ambiguity
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 12:52:28 -0700

I'm trying to find the right action for a files section.  What I want
  1. Create the file if it does not exist with appropriate perms
  2. Fix permissions if it does exist but perms are wrong
  3. Not update timestamps (and needlessly define classes!)

I'm using 2.1.13; I've tried 'create', 'fixall', 'fixplain' and 'touch'.
'touch' does 1 & 2, but also needlessly defines classes.  'fixall' and
'fixplain' won't create the file if missing.  'create' does 1 & 3, but
not 2 (according to the docs).  If this does not exist, consider it an
RFE.  If it does exist but I cannot find it in the docs, consider it an
RFE for the reference guide.  I could, I suppose, use multiple files
sections with different actions, but it seems like a bug that it is not
able to do this.


I'm encountering this problem maintaining syslog files on Linux and
Solaris systems.  Solaris's syslogd won't create log files if they do
not exist, so I need to manually create them.  Linux's will create them,
but not with the permissions I want (my logrotate config will fix the
permissions, but I don't want to rely solely on that).  Using 'touch'
defines classes, so if I define a class to reload syslogd, it happens
every time cfagent is run.

Wil Cooley                       
Naked Ape Consulting              
* * * * Linux, UNIX, Networking and Security Solutions * * * *

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