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Re: actionsequence and multiple passes

From: Mark Burgess
Subject: Re: actionsequence and multiple passes
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 20:10:48 +0200

Hi. I just tested the latest patch release and this works fine, as long
as you are careful to use AddInstallable:


  AddInstallable = ( alertX )


alertX::   "/bin/echo XXXXXXXXXXXX"

   any::   "/bin/echo HELO" define=alertX

Try the latest patch release from, developer pages.


On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 11:07 -0400, Viraj Alankar wrote:
> Hello,
> I read this in the reference manual:
> "In many cases, cfagent will be able to complete all its work in a
> single pass of the actionsequence. However, in complex configurations,
> it is hard to resolve all of the ordering dependencies automatically
> in a single pass. Cfagent keeps track both of all actions that have
> been performed and of those that might still need to be performed
> (given that some actions depend on the later outcomes of others). If
> there is a possibility that an action ordering dilemma might occur, it
> runs a second pass of the actionsequence to more quickly resolve the
> dependency (avoiding the wait for next scheduled run). No actions are
> performed twice however, since the agent checks off actions that have
> already been performed to avoid unnecessary duplication."
> But I'm having trouble getting multiple passes to work. Let's say my
> cfagent.conf looks like:
> control:
>   actionsequence = ( shellcommands tidy )
> import:
>   any::
> And in
> tidy:
>   /tmp pattern=blah age=0 define=dothis
> shellcommands:
>   dothis::
>     "/bin/echo whatever"
> My shellcommands do not get executed. If I change the actionsequence to:
>   actionsequence = ( tidy shellcommands )
> It works fine. However, when having lots of configuration files, it
> may not be as clear as above that shellcommands must come after tidy.
> In fact I may have another configuration that requires tidy to come
> after shellcommands in a similar situation. So I thought cfengine
> would realize that in the first case shellcommands would need to go
> through a second pass. Is this a wrong assumption? If so, what
> actually causes a second pass to occur? I'm confused on this.
> I tried also using AddInstallable = ( testblah) but it did not help.
> Another example is say in my shellcommands I define something that is
> itself another shellcommand that was defined previously. How do I get
> that to work?
> Thanks,
> Viraj.
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