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Re: Multiple C++ scanners

From: John Millaway
Subject: Re: Multiple C++ scanners
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 09:27:16 -0700 (PDT)

> I am wondering if
> these newer versions offer cleaner C++ scanners (created using %option C++)?

No, they don't. It's on our TODO list, and it is next on my agenda. The flex
2.5.4 C++ scanner was marked as "experimental", and will be modified
significantly. The new version will be merged with the reentrant scanner so
that there is little duplicate code, and it can use all the new features. Also,
we plan to eliminate the "yyFlexLexer.h" trickiness because now we are
generating headers with %option header.

> Is there anything I should know that might make implementation easier?
Yes, wait for the new release, or use the reentrant C scanner.

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