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Re: The globalrc file,

From: Suresh Govindachar
Subject: Re: The globalrc file,
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 19:24:43 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0

On 6/14/2014 6:32 PM, Tama Communications Corp. wrote:
First of all, you can distinguish two projects by the current
directory. This is the normal way of GLOBAL.
For example, if you have two projects as follows:

Project(1)      /usr/src/prj1
Project(2)      /usr/src/prj2

You can select one of two projects only by changing directory.

In gvim (1)
:cd /usr/src/prj1

In gvim (2)
:cd /usr/src/prj2

Thanks for the insight into ways of using GLOBAL. Here's how I would like to organize my directories:

Source code:

   Project_1:  /c/home/suresh/one/two/prj_1
   Project_2:  /d/new/stuff/prj_2

Global data base:


To create global database, I first use find command to create list of files with absolute path:

    find   /c/home/suresh/one/two/prj_1  \
               -iname '*.c' -o    \
               -iname '*.cc' -o    \
               -iname '*.cpp' -o    \
               -iname '*.h' -o    \
               -iname '*.hh' -o    \
               -iname '*.hpp'    \
               >> /e/some/where/global/prj_1/the_files

    find  <absolute_path_to_project_2>  \
               -iname '*.c' -o    \
               -iname '*.cc' -o    \
               -iname '*.cpp' -o    \
               -iname '*.h' -o    \
               -iname '*.hh' -o    \
               -iname '*.hpp'    \
               >> /e/some/where/global/prj_2/the_files


    cd /c/home/suresh/one/two/prj_1
    gtags -f /e/some/where/global/prj_1/the_files   \

Likewise for Project_2.

Question 1: In the above, is the "cd <project>" required or can the command "gtags -f <file> <db directory>" be issued from any directory? With version 6.2.11, gtags failed without the "cd"; I can try with 6.3 on Monday.

Using vim.exe I can set-up separate environment variables in two consoles as follows:

console 1:

  export GTAGSROOT=/c/home/suresh/one/two/prj_1
  export GTAGSDBPATH=/e/some/where/global/prj_1

console 2:

  export GTAGSROOT=/d/new/stuff/prj_2
  export GTAGSDBPATH=/e/some/where/global/prj_2

Using gvim, in one gvim, I can :cd to /c/home/suresh/one/two/prj_1 and in second gvim, :cd to /d/new/stuff/prj_2.

Question 2:  how will global know where the data-base is for each gvim?

(Aside: I was initially confused by the terminology "GTAGSROOT" -- I thought it meant path to directory containing GTAGS, which would be same as GTAGSDBPATH; it took some time to realize that GTAGSROOT refers to root of source directory.)


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