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Re: 'pc-bufsw + ntemacs

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: 'pc-bufsw + ntemacs
Date: 15 Jul 2003 18:02:39 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50 (Graham) writes:

> On start-up I get:
> An error has occurred while loading `c:/CYGWIN2/.emacs':
> File error: "Cannot open load file", "pc-bufsw"
> I have put 'pc-bufsw.el in $HOME 

This is the wrong place to put it. Put lisp files you get from
elsewhere into a directory called "site-lisp", either below the emacs
installation directory (as a peer to lisp), or as a peer to the emacs
installation directory. The latter for files you want to keep using
after you upgrade Emacs, the former for files that you only want
until the next version comes out (eg newer versions of files that
come with Emacs, or for functionality that is likely to be included in

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