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Re: preview-latex: preview normal text?

From: Joerg Schuster
Subject: Re: preview-latex: preview normal text?
Date: 05 Sep 2003 16:09:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

David Kastrup <> writes:

> You are aware that \em\bf is exactly equivalent to \bf, that both as
> well as \sc are quite obsolete and have been for about 7 years?

The example was quite artificial. Yet, I *do* use \bf, \em and \sc.
Why are they obsolete and what should one use instead? 
(\emph and \textbf?) I learned Latex from a 1996 book. They didn't say
anything about these commands' obsoleteness.

> preview-latex has no problems with formulas occuring in normal text.

Then it seems that I have misunderstood some passage of the manual
(that I cannot find now). 

> > I also wonder why section headers are previewed while chapter headers
> > are not.
> Probably because you are using some package that replaces chapter
> headers by something not using \@startsection.
> > Can I change this in some way?
> Well, certainly.  But unless you tell us just what you are doing,

I am writing a document of the type [german]{book}. I would like
to preview all headers. I will attach my preamble to this mail.

Thanks for your answers so far and sorry for all this text.
I dont know how to state the problem clearly with less text.






%\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}                   % um pdf einzubinden
%\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color}         % keine Ahnung, warum man das 
%\usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}                   % um Hyperlinks in der 
pdf-Datei zu erzeugen
\usepackage{a4wide}                              % Text breiter
\usepackage{tipa}                                % phonetische Zeichen

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