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Re: umlauts (8bit characters) input

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: umlauts (8bit characters) input
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 11:31:47 +0100

Am 01.02.2005 um 01:41 schrieb Hendrik Sattler:

Peter Dyballa wrote:
;       (set-language-environment               'UTF-8)
         (set-default-coding-systems             'utf-8)
         (setq file-name-coding-system           'utf-8)
         (setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
         (setq coding-system-for-write           'utf-8)
;       (set-keyboard-coding-system             'utf-8)
         (set-terminal-coding-system             'utf-8)
;;      (set-clipboard-coding-system            'utf-8)
;;      (set-selection-coding-system            'utf-8)
;       (set-language-environment               'German)

I don't understand why emacs should need all that. There are locales and
they define a system charset, emacs should use that as default.

These setting show how complicated it is to translate between the many systems GNU Emacs supports. It's not only Latin scripts! Have a look at the HELLO page: C-h H. And particularly two settings can become import when you're interacting with a window system: clipboard-coding-system and selection-coding-system. There is in the Help menu a very excessive entry: Describe -> Show all of Mule Status. Or simply M-x mule-diag. It'll give you pointers to stay for a few weeks in info-mode ...

It's always helpful to check what Emacs actually receives: C-h k and then
you type the umlaut.

It gets M-| for the 'ü', '|' is 0x7C and 'ü' ist 0xFC, so the 8th bit is
Does emacs care for readline settings?

I don't think so. readline would be used in shell-mode or eshell-mode, if at all. Are you running Emacs freely as an X11 client or is it no-windows inside a terminal emulation? In the second case you're a bit dependant of what the terminal emulation is doing. It might convert 8bit to 7bit. In both cases you have to set an appropriate input-method, as mule-diag will reveal.

Do you have test files à la 'char-representation = oct dec hex its description (to help you recognize what Emacs is doing to that glyph)', for example "ü = 374 = 252 = FC = U+00FC : LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS"? In any case it would be very helpful (for Emacs) to give a hint like "-*- mode: Text; coding: iso-8859-15; -*-" in the file's header to help it choose the right character set.

I do hope that others on this list have made more progress than both of us and add some to this thread! For example I would like to have shell and dired-buffers display in UTF-8 because the file names in Mac OS X are of that kind. In shell it works with ls when I let Emacs run in Apple's Terminal (emulation).

I hope that GNU Emacs 25 solves all problems.

I really want to get that guy that said that ASCII and thus 7bit is a useful
default :-(((((

Oh no, why has the world to be so stubborn and keep writing in so my scripts? Why is a comic's use of script not sufficient?

Mit friedvollen Grüßen

  Pete      <\
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