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Re: umlauts (8bit characters) input

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: umlauts (8bit characters) input
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 13:38:14 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa@Web.DE> writes:

> Am 01.02.2005 um 13:36 schrieb David Kastrup:
>>> And yes, if I change my locale to UTF-8, emacs shall just follow case
>>> without me having to edit the whole .emacs file again.
>> And Emacs does just that.  Throw out whatever customization of locales
>> and whatsoever you have in your .emacs, or start with an empty .emacs,
>> and it should work.
> Well, throwing away all this "valuable" customization leads in
> Terminal to dired-buffers with 'uuu' encoding -- and short and precise
> file names with real umlauts! But in shell they're gone ... a bunch of
> control codes? (I am using tcsh and see
> a\314?o\314?u\314?\303?U\314?O\314?A\314?\342?\254 instead of
> äöü?ÜÖÄÛ, shell has only 'uu-')

In "Terminal" vs "in Shell"?  What are you doing?

> The X11 client is even worse: copy and paste in this same Emacs does
> not work (a simple ä is converted to a whole book volume of glyphs
> that are hard to describe), dired-mode uses a simple 'u' (mode-line
> goes '-u:%%...') and displays 'a<box>o<box>u...Û', and shell uses no
> mode '--:**...' as in Terminal and shows the name as in Terminal.
> In xterm shell has '-uu-:**..' and shows the same as in
> Terminal. Again dired works fine!
> So it seems I have to wait for GNU Emacs 25 -- if I'm still alive!

I don't think that any of those problems are in the current code base
(to become 21.4), and apart from the X11 copy&paste (where there have
been larger changes since 21.3), I doubt that most of the stuff you
relate will happen on a clean, normal setup with consistent locale

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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