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Mode hooks WAS: icicles lisp-mode dabbrev-completion

From: Emabela
Subject: Mode hooks WAS: icicles lisp-mode dabbrev-completion
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 22:08:45 +0100

Hello everybody,


 Excuse me in advance if this post is too long or too simple,

 but I could not find any solution.


 My primary goal was:

 To use tab in every mode (including lisp-mode)

 for dabbrev-completion.

 I could not achieve it.


 During a correspondence with Drew Adams, who

 helped me very much, I simplified the to the following situation:

 Bind tab to beginning-of-line in lisp-mode.

 Hence, in my first test I used the following very short .emacs:

 (defun my-lisp-addons ()


 (print "my-lisp-addons is running")

 (local-unset-key "\t")

 (local-set-key [(tab)] 'beginning-of-line)))

 (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'my-lisp-addons)

 If I start: emacs --debug-init /tmp/some.el,

 then the buffer is in lisp-mode,

 but my-lisp-addons does not run.

 The same, if I open /tmp/some.el with C-x C-f.

 But if I type in M-x lisp-mode, then it works, of course.

 On the other hand, if .emacs contains:

 (define-key lisp-mode-map "\t" 'beginning-of-line)

 then lisp-mode-map is 

 (keymap (9 . beginning-of-line) (3 keymap (26 . run-lisp)) (27 keymap (24 
 . lisp-eval-defun) keymap (17 . indent-sexp)) keymap (127 . backward-delete
-char-untabify) (27 keymap (17 . indent-sexp)) (9 . lisp-indent-line))

 that is, emacs has two functions to execute on tab.

 (And emacs executes the second one.)


 My questions are:

 1) Exactly when are these hooks called? 

Are they called when an existing file (without ;-*-Lisp-*-) is opened?

I am a bit confused about this because in the first test,  

emacs is in lisp mode according to the mode line, but 

my-lisp-addons is not called.

 2) Should I  use auto-mode-alist instead?

 3) There are global-set-key and local-set-key, 

 and their "removing" counterparts: global-unset-key and local-unset-key.

 Is there a "removing" counterpart to define-key?

 ;where I can specify from which keymap the tab should be removed.


 Thanks for any help.





 Ps: Excuse me for my bad english...




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