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Re: Emacs for Windows?

From: Jason Rumney
Subject: Re: Emacs for Windows?
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 17:20:23 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Ramprasad B wrote:
--- Lennart Borgman <> wrote:

The latest version uploaded are now 2006-02-01 for the patched version and 2006-01-31 for the unpatched version.
I haven't seen the context of the above, but I assume it is talking about unofficial CVS snapshots.

But, what about ?
Why are the timestamps of files are still */*/2004 ?
Is there any other place where native emacs and emacs w32 is being placed ?
For native emacs - emacs-21.4a.tar.gz, it is 2/17/2005 ?
The latest Windows binaries are 21.3. No binaries were released for 21.4 or 21.4a
Why is this happening?
Because fixes for compiling on Windows with modern versions of gcc/mingw32 that were in the Emacs 21 branch of CVS did not make it into the 21.4 releases.

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