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Re: Two quick questions

From: Giacomo Boffi
Subject: Re: Two quick questions
Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2006 21:29:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.5-b27 (linux)

Tong Wang <> writes:

>    1: To switch to another buffer, after issue C-x b, and type
>       something in minibuffer followed by Tab for completion, is
>       there any way to scroll through those possible completions in
>       minibuffer, instead of having to type more words or go to the
>       newly opened buffer to chose one ?

when you have already the buffers' completions in a window above the
minibuffer, press "Page Up"

at this point, you can select the required buffer with cursor keys,
and switch using RET

Israele l'abbiamo fatto noi, e teoricamente starebbe a noi salvaguardarlo.
Ma Israele si comporta come uno stato indipendente, e di quello che
diciamo noi se ne sbatte i coglioni.                     -- Termy, in IFQ

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