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Re: Emacs and several windows

From: Arjen Wiersma
Subject: Re: Emacs and several windows
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:33:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1.50 (darwin) writes:

> I use Emacs under Mac OS X and I don't know how to open several
> windows of Emacs, when I click on the Emacs icon it does not open me
> another window it put the current Emacs window to the front.


,----[ C-h f make-frame RET ]
| make-frame is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `frame.el'.
| (make-frame &optional parameters)
| Return a newly created frame displaying the current buffer.
| Optional argument parameters is an alist of parameters for the new frame.
| Each element of parameters should have the form (NAME . VALUE), for example:
|  (name . STRING)      The frame should be named STRING.
|  (width . NUMBER)     The frame should be NUMBER characters in width.
|  (height . NUMBER)    The frame should be NUMBER text lines high.
| You cannot specify either `width' or `height', you must use neither or both.
|  (minibuffer . t)     The frame should have a minibuffer.
|  (minibuffer . nil)   The frame should have no minibuffer.
|  (minibuffer . only)  The frame should contain only a minibuffer.
|  (minibuffer . WINDOW)        The frame should use WINDOW as its minibuffer 
| Before the frame is created (via `frame-creation-function'), functions on the
| hook `before-make-frame-hook' are run.  After the frame is created, functions
| on `after-make-frame-functions' are run with one arg, the newly created frame.
| This function itself does not make the new frame the selected frame.
| The previously selected frame remains selected.  However, the
| window system may select the new frame for its own reasons, for
| instance if the frame appears under the mouse pointer and your
| setup is for focus to follow the pointer.
| [back]



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