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Re: Emacs and several windows

From: Harald Hanche-Olsen
Subject: Re: Emacs and several windows
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 19:20:23 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/23.0.0 (berkeley-unix)


| On 24 juil, 12:43, Harald Hanche-Olsen <> wrote:
|> +
|> | C-x 5 2 works fine, but it's strange, the new frame does not take my
|> | settings from my .emacs file.
|> What kind of settings?
| I have this in my .emacs file:
| (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'iso-accents-mode)
| (set-terminal-coding-system 'latin-1)
| (set-keyboard-coding-system 'latin-1)
| (set-language-environment 'latin-1)
| (set-foreground-color "wheat")
| (set-background-color "DarkSlateGray")
| (set-cursor-color "white")
| (menu-bar-mode -1)
| (scroll-bar-mode -1)
| (global-font-lock-mode 1)
| (require 'php-mode)
| (add-hook 'php-mode-user-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)
| (add-hook 'php-mode-user-hook
| '(lambda () (define-abbrev php-mode-abbrev-table "ex" "extends")))

And NONE of them work in your second frame?  I am unable to explain
that.  As far as the color commands go, yes.  See the documentation
for those commands and check the reply from Peter Dyballa.

* Harald Hanche-Olsen     <URL:>
- It is undesirable to believe a proposition
  when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true.
  -- Bertrand Russell

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