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Re: ispell default dictionary keeps reverting to "american"

From: Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
Subject: Re: ispell default dictionary keeps reverting to "american"
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 10:27:12 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

Peter Dyballa skreiv:
> Is the nynorsk dictionary installed on your Ubuntu system? What are
> the values of ispell-local-dictionary and ispell-library-directory?

ispell-local-dictionary is nil on a fresh startup (as it should be),
then "american" after the first spellcheck. ispell-dictionary, OTOH,
is "nynorsk" on a fresh startup and "american" after the first
spellcheck. According to the description of this variable, it should
be used to set ispell-local-dictionary to "nynorsk"...

> What is GNU Emacs showing in *Completions* buffer when you type
>       M-x ispell-change-dictionary RET TAB
> The values shown are the dictionaries found on your system in the
> directory pointed by ispell-library-directory.

Possible completions are:
american                           bokmal
british                            canadian
default                            english
norsk                              norsk7-tex

> Have you checked whether the modes of the buffers that use american
> for ispell do *not* change ispell-dictionary? Have you checked
> whether your buffer do *not* set ispell-dictionary locally? Are you
> sure that your setting of ispell-dictionary in ~/.emacs is executed?
> Some (message ...) might help.

I tried emptying my .emacs from all but (ispell-change-dictionary
"nynorsk" t), no change... the dictionary starts being "nynorsk" and
changes to "american" after one ispell-check.

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