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Re: ispell default dictionary keeps reverting to "american"

From: Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
Subject: Re: ispell default dictionary keeps reverting to "american"
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2007 01:24:37 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Sep 2, 8:55 pm, Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyba...@Web.DE> wrote:
> Am 02.09.2007 um 19:27 schrieb Kevin Brubeck Unhammer:
> It's obviously secure to put a statement like this one
>         (defadvice load (before debug-log activate)
>           (message "(Tipp von Kai G) Lade jetzt: %s" (ad-get-arg 0)))
> into ~/.emacs, because you describe that your setting of ispell's
> dictionary is valid until you load some file? Or does it already
> happen when you spell-check a "built-in" buffer like *scratch*,
> *Buffer List*, or *Messages*. So let's make the test more complete!

It happens in *Messages* and so on, yes, to quote myself:

When I have (ispell-change-dictionary "nynorsk" t)  in .emacs
*Messages* gives me this:

"Loading ispell...done
(Next global Ispell command will use nynorsk dictionary)
ispell.el is already loaded"

and on the first spellcheck, it goes:

"(Next local Ispell command will use american dictionary)
Starting new Ispell process..."

I then manually change to "nynorsk":

"Ispell process killed
(Next global Ispell command will use nynorsk dictionary)"

> Make ~/.emacs report what the ispell-program-name is. In *shell*
> buffer or some other terminal determine the PID of GNU Emacs. Now
> start to spell-check some built-in buffer and don't quit! In that
> other terminal either use ps or pstree to determine all processes
> that GNU Emacs has spawned. Is ispell or aspell (the new default)
> doing the spell-check?

It's ispell yeah, but just using (setq ispell-program-name "aspell")
in my .emacs (and no "change-dictionary"-settings) completely fixed my
problem; probably my system default is "nynorsk", not "american", and
aspell uses that, while with ispell I for some reason get reverted to

> With the statement above you will be able to see which files of Elisp
> code are loaded when you load some text file. When you put the
> statement into the system init file, you can see a bit more of Elisp
> file loading.

It tells me "default" is loading jetzt. I don't know how to fix the
ispell-thing, but setting it to aspell fixed it for me... thanks for
your help :-)

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