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Re: emacs-cvs-unicode

From: Thierry Volpiatto
Subject: Re: emacs-cvs-unicode
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:12:45 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/23.0.0 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa@Web.DE> writes:

    Peter> Am 24.09.2007 um 10:41 schrieb Thierry Volpiatto:

    >> I have installed emacs-cvs-23.0.0-r7 from gentoo.  every things
    >> is working correctly except the french accentued characters. My
    >> configuration is the same that on emacs-cvs-23.0.50 where
    >> everythings works perfectly.  When i hit one of these keys (e
    >> with accents say...) i have first in mini-buffer the right char
    >> followed by a "-" If i hit a second time the same key, i have (in
    >> the current buffer now) a chinese or japonese sign instead of my
    >> "e accent"!!!  Do i have something else to modify to make
    >> emacs-unicode working with french accents ?

    Peter> Did you try to launch Unicode Emacs 23.0.0 with the option
    Peter> -Q? This makes it run not using any of your pre-Unicode
    Peter> settings.

    Peter> To find out what "code" any Emacs sees when a key is pressed,
    Peter> use C-h k <key press or mouse event>. You'll also "see" when
    Peter> input is finished, then the *Help* buffer will open or change
    Peter> its previous contents.

    Peter> To make Unicode Emacs 23.0.0 a very useful tool don't use
    Peter> set- language-environment! Rather take care to set
    Peter> environment variable LC_CTYPE to something like fr_FR.UTF-8
    Peter> and make sure that the value of file-name-coding-system and
    Peter> default-file-name-coding-system is the one your system
    Peter> actually uses. There is no unify-8859-on-decoding- mode or
    Peter> unify-8859-on-encoding-mode necessary. For me, on Mac OS X,
    Peter> LC_CTYPE and (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) do the most.

    thierry> Thanks a lot Peter, I am stupid, i didn't think to disable
    thierry> all my utf-8 settings of the normal version of emacs.So i
    thierry> just comment in my .emacs: ;;; (set-language-environment
    thierry> "utf-8") ;;; (set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8) ;;;
    thierry> (set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8) ;;;
    thierry> (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)) and now every things work
    thierry> fine.

    Peter> -- Greetings

    Peter>   Pete

    Peter> The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the
    Peter> day they start selling vacuum cleaners.  Ernest Jan Plugge

    Peter> --
A + Thierry

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