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Re: emacs new user.

From: Ken Goldman
Subject: Re: emacs new user.
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 16:46:57 -0400
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Perhaps you should tell us what editing task you're having trouble with.

It sounds like you have a problem and have already decided that listing major and minor modes is the solution. There may be a better solution.

I've been using emacs for perhaps 15 years and never needed to list modes.

Moofar wrote:
I'm a junior in college and a CS major, and after having tried a couple
different editors/ide's before, I decided it was time to get good with a
good text editor and stick with it. So I've been learning emacs. I have
found many things in emacs I like, yet I have gotten stuck so many times
trying to learn something and spent so long getting unstuck, that I'm
thinking its just not worth it. Any thoughts?
Here's a simple question that has frustrated me and I think may be the straw
that breaks the camels back, where can I see a list of all the minor and
major modes I have and the commands to enable them?

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