Hey Emacs group,
I am having a problem with AUCTeX and Emacs. I have already described it
in the AUCTeX group, but it seems that nobody there knew the answer.
I use Emacsw32 22.0.990 and AUCTeX 11.85. Aspell 0.60.3.
I use Aspell for spell-checking (obviously). I have split my hdd into
two partitions. One for programs and one for data, documents etc. My tex
documents are located on the data partition (letter D) while Emacs,
AUCTeX and Aspell is located on the software partition (letter C).
When I open a tex file on the D drive, AUCTeX is not able to start the
ispell process. In messages is says:
Starting new Ispell process [dansk] ...
Applying style hooks... done
Loading texmathp...done
Error in post-command-hook: (error Process ispell not running)
Sometimes it writes
Starting new Ispell process [dansk] ...
Spell checking loese-tanker.tex using aspell with danse dictionary...
Spell-checking using aspell with dansk dictionary done
File mode specification error: (file-error "writing to process"
"invalid argument" #<process ispell>)
If I switch the same file into text mode (rather than tex mode), ispell
start. If I move the file to the C drive, ispell starts as well. If I
start ispell from another buffer, and go back, to the tex buffer, there
is no problem. However, if start ispell with English dictionary in one
buffer, and switch to my tex buffer (using Danish dictionary), AUCTeX
will freeze Emacs and I have to close down emacs.
Everything is within the PATH.
LaTeX-mode-hook consist of turn-on-auto-fill, preview-mode-setup, reftex
-mode and flyspell mode. I have tried loading ispell as well, but it
makes no difference.
I hope somebody will me able to help me solve this problem.
Thanks in advance,