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Re: emacs and tab stops

From: Gareth Rees
Subject: Re: emacs and tab stops
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 22:49:28 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080707)

tano wrote:
I used to run emacs always in fundamental mode, because I do not
like automatic indentation, so I put a line in my .emacs file
like (setq auto-mode-alist nil) to leave my tab stop every 8 chars.
However with new versions of emacs seems that things are changed.
Even if I run fundamental mode, tab stops does not follow the standard
indentation every 8 chars, but goes in the first char after a space
on the previous line, for example.

This is because the TAB key is now bound to the function `indent-for-tab-command'. (When did this change? I don't see anything in NEWS about it.)

The command you are looking for is `tab-to-tab-stop', which you can run by typing M-i, or you can bind it to the TAB key with something like

(global-set-key (kbd "TAB") #'tab-to-tab-stop)

Gareth Rees

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