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RE: Can you recommand some good fonts for emacs22 ?

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Can you recommand some good fonts for emacs22 ?
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 11:08:17 -0700

> > That sounds correct, actually. The prefix for Icicles 
> > commands and variables is `icicle-', not `icicles-'.
> > And SPC is self-inserting, by default - it does not
> > perform completion.
> I must have something set different than default here... <spc> does
> completion in all the modes I commonly use.

I meant in Icicle mode. In Icicle mode, SPC is self-inserting, at least by
default (i.e., if you change no keybindings). When you turn Icicle mode off
(e.g. via `icy-mode'), the vanilla Emacs behavior of SPC is restored.

> Yes, I see now where I used spc for completion in the initial command:
> M-x icic<spc>  A tab does work there.  I expected spc to work as it
> does in all other modes I use.

Not by default, but you can do that if you want. SPC is self-inserting in Icicle
mode, because there are lots of completions that contain space chars. Icicles
makes completion usable for lots of things that vanilla Emacs doesn't, and some
of them include space chars.

> Ok, its all starting to make sense now... sorry for bad mouthing your
> program without real effort testing.
> And thanks for the thorough walk thru on how to use the 
> tools.  Very helpful.

No problem. Once you learn the basic Icicles behavior, the rest follows. I can't
describe that basic behavior in the doc string of every command. (But the doc
string of `icicle-font' does describe how to act on individual candidates, and
it does say this:

"This is an Icicles command - see command `icicle-mode', and that leads you to
some of the basic behavior.

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