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Re: No filenames in Buffers menu

From: Peter Flynn
Subject: Re: No filenames in Buffers menu
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 23:24:16 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Glenn Morris wrote:
Peter Flynn wrote:

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10, and added Emacs 22.
Everything works fine except that when I have multiple files visited,
there are no filenames in the Buffers menu

Works fine for me with Debian's emacs22 (or emacs23).

Hmm. I checked deeper, and I'm using emacs22-gtk from the Ubuntu 9.10 packages.

The first thing to test is always: does it work for you with emacs
started with the -Q option? If so, you need to look at your .emacs and
site configuration to find out what is causing this.

No, emacs22-gtk -Q gives me the same error: open a couple of files, click on the Buffers menu and they're not there.


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