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RE: cua-mode changes mark-even-if-inactive

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: cua-mode changes mark-even-if-inactive
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 14:58:17 -0800

> I was struggling to ensure that region commands only effect visible
> regions and I found
> mark-even-if-inactive to deactivate this behavour
> (anyway don't know why it's enabled by default in emacs23)
> Unfortunately cua-mode seems to have the reactivation hardcoded, any
> suggestions how to change this behaviour withot hacking cua-mode?
> BTW: Is there a possibility to have another/extra visual feedback if a
> mark is active, like changing the cursor-color?

My advice? Report a bug: `M-x report-emacs-bug'.

If it's really not a bug, that is, if either (a) it doesn't really happen or (b)
it happens but Emacs Dev thinks that CUA mode should do that, then someone will
let you know.  There is no harm in reporting behavior that doesn't make sense to
you as a bug.

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