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Re: Converting an Integer into Human Readable String

From: Pascal J. Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Converting an Integer into Human Readable String
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2011 13:41:30 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Nordlöw <> writes:

> I looking for the function that prints file size on the mode-line in 
> size-indication-mode. I have searched for size-indication-mode in the source 
> but cannot find a code-references to it. So where is the function that prints 
> for example
> 22k
> when file is approximately 22 kilobytes big?
> What about difference between
> - kilobytes (kB), 1000 bytes, and
> - kibibytes (KiB), 1024 bytes, as defined at
> Shouldn't Emacs support both?
> This is of course not that hard to write but reinvent the wheel?

See what you've done?

R  [  15: Nordlöw                ] Converting an Integer into Human Readable 
R      [  29: Deniz Dogan            ] 
R      [  15: Eli Zaretskii          ] 
R      [  11: Drew Adams             ] 
R      <  13: Eli Zaretskii          > 
R      <  14: Eli Zaretskii          > 
R      <  17: Drew Adams             > 
R      <  15: Eli Zaretskii          > 
R      <  19: Eli Zaretskii          > 
R      <  22: Drew Adams             > 
R      <  32: Thierry Volpiatto      > 
R      <  32: Thierry Volpiatto      > 
R          [  17: Klaus Straubinger      ] 
R              [  44: Thierry Volpiatto      ] 
R      <  23: Eli Zaretskii          > 
R      <  28: Eli Zaretskii          > 
R      <  21: Thierry Volpiatto      > 

17 posts and still no satisfying answer!  We've got a couple of C code
and library functions that don't do what you need, because they've been
written only with some specific purpose (who would fetch a universal
resources in the Gigabytes or the Petabytes?), or because they come with
a big overhead of useless code unrelated to your need.

Instead, you could have had some fun, and implement yourself the
required function.   Well, now you've got only what you merit, here I
had all the fun, you can have the function:

    (format-human-readable-big-number 123456789012
                                       "B" t :binary)
    --> "  114.978 GiB"

Now, you may call this function in the places of interest in emacs.

As for the C code, well, it's not the first time I've said that emacs C
code should be rewritten in lisp...

;;; The following code is Copyright Pascal Bourguignon 1995 - 2011
;;; and distributed under the GPL 2 or later license.

;; #-emacs ;; Too bad emacs lisp doesn't implement #+/#-
(require 'cl)

(defun dichotomy (vector value compare &optional start end key)
PRE:    entry is the element to be searched in the table.
        (<= start end)
RETURN: (list found index order)
POST:   (<= start index end)
        | Case              |  found   | index |  order   |     Error      |
        | x < a[min]        |   FALSE  |  min  |  less    |      0         |
        | a[i] < x < a[i+1] |   FALSE  |   i   |  greater |      0         |
        | x = a[i]          |   TRUE   |   i   |  equal   |      0         |
        | a[max] < x        |   FALSE  |  max  |  greater |      0         |
  (setf start (or start 0)
        end   (or end (length vector))
        key   (or key (function identity)))
  (let* ((curmin start)
         (curmax end)
         (index  (truncate (+ curmin curmax) 2))
         (order  (funcall compare value (funcall key (aref vector index)))) )
    (loop while (and (/= 0 order) (/= curmin index)) do
         (if (< order 0)
             (setf curmax index)
             (setf curmin index))
         (setf index (truncate (+ curmin curmax) 2))
         (setf order (funcall compare value (funcall key (aref vector index)))))
    (when (and (< start index) (< order 0))
      (setf order 1)
      (decf index))
     (or (< (funcall compare value (funcall key (aref vector start))) 0)
         (and (< (funcall compare (funcall key (aref vector index)) value) 0)
              (or (>= (1+ index) end)
                  (< (funcall compare value (funcall key (aref vector (1+ 
index)))) 0)))
         (= (funcall compare value (funcall key (aref vector index))) 0)))
    (list (= order 0) index order)))

(defun filter-prefixes (prefixes value)
PREFIXES is a list of (long short (expt base exponent))
VALUE    is either an integer or a floating point value.

DO:      Filters out prefixes that are out of range for type of the
         given value, and compute the values of the symbolic exponents
         in prefixes.

RETURN:  a list of (long short base^exponent-value)
  (etypecase value
     (mapcar (lambda (prefix)
               (destructuring-bind (long short (expt base exponent)) prefix
                 (list long short (expt (float base) exponent))))
     (mapcan (lambda (prefix)
               (destructuring-bind (long short (expt base exponent)) prefix
                 (when (< (expt (float base) exponent) most-positive-fixnum)
                   (list (list long short (expt (float base) exponent))))))

(defun compute-prefixes ()
RETURN: A hash-table mapping lists of prefix-code and type to a
        filtered and sorted vector of prefixes.
PREFIX-CODE either :si or :binary
TYPE        either float or integer
  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test (function equal))))
       for value in '(0 0.0) 
       for type in '(integer float)
       do (loop
             for prefix-code in '(:si :binary)
             for prefixes     in (list *si-prefixes* *binary-prefixes*)
             do (setf (gethash (list prefix-code type) table)
                      (coerce (sort  (filter-prefixes prefixes value)
                                     (lambda (a b) (< (third a) (third b))))

(defvar *si-prefixes*
  '(("yotta" "Y" (expt 10 24))
    ("zetta" "Z" (expt 10 21))
    ("exa"   "E" (expt 10 18))
    ("peta"  "P" (expt 10 15))
    ("tera"  "T" (expt 10 12))
    ("giga"  "G" (expt 10 9))
    ("mega"  "M" (expt 10 6))
    ("kilo"  "k" (expt 10 3))
    (""      ""  (expt 10 0))
    ("milli" "m" (expt 10 -3))
    ("micro" "µ" (expt 10 -6))
    ("nano"  "n" (expt 10 -9))
    ("pico"  "p" (expt 10 -12))
    ("femto" "f" (expt 10 -15))
    ("atto"  "a" (expt 10 -18))
    ("zepto" "z" (expt 10 -21))
    ("yocto" "y" (expt 10 -24))))

(defvar *binary-prefixes*
  '(("yobi"  "Yi" (expt 2 80))
    ("zebi"  "Zi" (expt 2 70))
    ("exbi"  "Ei" (expt 2 60))
    ("pebi"  "Pi" (expt 2 50))
    ("tebi"  "Ti" (expt 2 40))
    ("gibi"  "Gi" (expt 2 30))
    ("mebi"  "Mi" (expt 2 20))
    ("kibi"  "Ki" (expt 2 10))
    (""      ""   (expt 2 0))))

(defvar *prefixes* (compute-prefixes))

(defun find-scale (num prefix-code)
Find from the *prefixes* the scale of the number NUM with the given
  (let ((prefixes  (gethash (list prefix-code (etypecase num
                                                (integer 'integer)
                                                (float   'float)))
    (destructuring-bind (foundp index order)
        (dichotomy prefixes num (lambda (a b)
                                  (cond ((< a b) -1)
                                        ((< b a) +1)
                                        (t        0)))
                   0 (length prefixes) (function third))
        ((minusp order) ; too small
         '("" "" 1))
        ((< (/ num 1000.0) (third (aref prefixes index))) ; ok
         (aref prefixes index))
        (t ; too big
         '("" "" 1))))))

;; For Common Lisp.  But too bad, emacs lisp doesn't implement #+/#-.

(defun format-human-readable-big-number (num format exceptional-format
                                         base-unit short-form prefixes)
  (destructuring-bind (long short scale) (find-scale num prefixes)
    (format nil "~? ~A~A"
            (if (and (= 1 scale)
                     (or (and (< 0 (abs num)) (< (abs num) 1))
                         (<= 1000 (abs num))))
            (list (/ num scale))
            (if short-form short long)

(defvar *normal-format*       "~9,3F")

(defvar *exceptional-format*  "~13,3E")


(defun format-human-readable-big-number (num format exceptional-format
                                         base-unit short-form prefixes)
  (destructuring-bind (long short scale) (find-scale num prefixes)

    (format "%s %s%s" (format (if (and (= 1 scale)
                                       (or (and (< 0 (abs num)) (< (abs num) 1))
                                           (<= 1000 (abs num))))
                              (/ num scale))
            (if short-form short long)

(defvar *normal-format*       "%9.3f")
(defvar *exceptional-format*  "%13.3e")

(defun test/format-human-readable-big-number ()
  (dolist (prefixes '(:si :binary))
    (dolist (short-form '(nil t))
      (dolist (num '(4 45 456 4567 45678 456789 467890 45678901
                     456789012 4567890123 45678901234 456789012345
                     4567890123456 45678901234567 456789012345678
                     4567890123456789 45678901234567890
                     4.333 45.333 456.333 4567.333
                     45678.333 456789.333 467890.333 45678901.333
                     456789012.333 4567890123.333 45678901234.333
                     456789012345.333 4567890123456.333
                     45678901234567.333 456789012345678.333
                     4567890123456789.333 45678901234567890.333
                     456789012345678901.333 4567890123456789012.333
                     45678901234567890123.333 456789012345678901234.333
        (princ (format-human-readable-big-number num
                                                 (if short-form
                                                 short-form prefixes))

    4.000 byte
   45.000 byte
  456.000 byte
    4.567 kilobyte
   45.678 kilobyte
  456.789 kilobyte
  467.890 kilobyte
   45.679 megabyte
  456.789 megabyte
    4.568 gigabyte
   45.679 gigabyte
  456.789 gigabyte
    4.568 terabyte
   45.679 terabyte
  456.789 terabyte
    4.568 petabyte
   45.679 petabyte
  456.789 petabyte
   43.330 millibyte
  433.300 millibyte
    4.333 byte
   45.333 byte
  456.333 byte
    4.567 kilobyte
   45.678 kilobyte
  456.789 kilobyte
  467.890 kilobyte
   45.679 megabyte
  456.789 megabyte
    4.568 gigabyte
   45.679 gigabyte
  456.789 gigabyte
    4.568 terabyte
   45.679 terabyte
  456.789 terabyte
    4.568 petabyte
   45.679 petabyte
  456.789 petabyte
    4.568 exabyte
   45.679 exabyte
  456.789 exabyte
    4.568 zettabyte
   45.679 zettabyte
  456.789 zettabyte
    4.568 yottabyte
   45.679 yottabyte
  456.789 yottabyte
    4.568e+27 byte
    4.568e+28 byte
    4.568e+29 byte
    4.000 B
   45.000 B
  456.000 B
    4.567 kB
   45.678 kB
  456.789 kB
  467.890 kB
   45.679 MB
  456.789 MB
    4.568 GB
   45.679 GB
  456.789 GB
    4.568 TB
   45.679 TB
  456.789 TB
    4.568 PB
   45.679 PB
  456.789 PB
   43.330 mB
  433.300 mB
    4.333 B
   45.333 B
  456.333 B
    4.567 kB
   45.678 kB
  456.789 kB
  467.890 kB
   45.679 MB
  456.789 MB
    4.568 GB
   45.679 GB
  456.789 GB
    4.568 TB
   45.679 TB
  456.789 TB
    4.568 PB
   45.679 PB
  456.789 PB
    4.568 EB
   45.679 EB
  456.789 EB
    4.568 ZB
   45.679 ZB
  456.789 ZB
    4.568 YB
   45.679 YB
  456.789 YB
    4.568e+27 B
    4.568e+28 B
    4.568e+29 B
    4.000 byte
   45.000 byte
  456.000 byte
    4.460 kibibyte
   44.607 kibibyte
  446.083 kibibyte
  456.924 kibibyte
   43.563 mebibyte
  435.628 mebibyte
    4.254 gibibyte
   42.542 gibibyte
  425.418 gibibyte
    4.154 tebibyte
   41.545 tebibyte
  415.447 tebibyte
    4.057 pebibyte
   40.571 pebibyte
  405.710 pebibyte
    4.333e-02 byte
    4.333e-01 byte
    4.333 byte
   45.333 byte
  456.333 byte
    4.460 kibibyte
   44.608 kibibyte
  446.083 kibibyte
  456.924 kibibyte
   43.563 mebibyte
  435.628 mebibyte
    4.254 gibibyte
   42.542 gibibyte
  425.418 gibibyte
    4.154 tebibyte
   41.545 tebibyte
  415.447 tebibyte
    4.057 pebibyte
   40.571 pebibyte
  405.710 pebibyte
    3.962 exbibyte
   39.620 exbibyte
  396.201 exbibyte
    3.869 zebibyte
   38.692 zebibyte
  386.915 zebibyte
    3.778 yobibyte
   37.785 yobibyte
  377.847 yobibyte
    4.568e+27 byte
    4.568e+28 byte
    4.568e+29 byte
    4.000 B
   45.000 B
  456.000 B
    4.460 KiB
   44.607 KiB
  446.083 KiB
  456.924 KiB
   43.563 MiB
  435.628 MiB
    4.254 GiB
   42.542 GiB
  425.418 GiB
    4.154 TiB
   41.545 TiB
  415.447 TiB
    4.057 PiB
   40.571 PiB
  405.710 PiB
    4.333e-02 B
    4.333e-01 B
    4.333 B
   45.333 B
  456.333 B
    4.460 KiB
   44.608 KiB
  446.083 KiB
  456.924 KiB
   43.563 MiB
  435.628 MiB
    4.254 GiB
   42.542 GiB
  425.418 GiB
    4.154 TiB
   41.545 TiB
  415.447 TiB
    4.057 PiB
   40.571 PiB
  405.710 PiB
    3.962 EiB
   39.620 EiB
  396.201 EiB
    3.869 ZiB
   38.692 ZiB
  386.915 ZiB
    3.778 YiB
   37.785 YiB
  377.847 YiB
    4.568e+27 B
    4.568e+28 B
    4.568e+29 B
__Pascal Bourguignon__           
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

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