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Re: Emacs users a dying breed?

From: Tom
Subject: Re: Emacs users a dying breed?
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:02:04 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Jay Belanger <jay.p.belanger <at>> writes:

> Tom <adatgyujto <at>> writes:
> ...
> > The search "Eclipse IDE" does not give a good measurement,
> > because it's unlikely there is generally less interest in
> > Eclipse than in Emacs:
> Perhaps I'm misreading this, but it looks like you disregard this
> because you don't like the result?

I would love this result if this were really the case, but this
does not take into account the mentions of Eclipse without the
word IDE.

Here's the same comparison without using the word IDE, but removing
results with the word SOLAR (solar eclipse), TWILIGHT 
(something to do with the novel), COMICS (Eclipse comics), NASA,

Feel free to remove additional words which you feel are irrelevant 
for Eclipse and test the result.

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