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Re: Generating a listing of all symbols (16K+) and labeling subsets

From: Hans BKK
Subject: Re: Generating a listing of all symbols (16K+) and labeling subsets
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:15:21 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Saturday, April 19, 2014 12:34:31 PM UTC-4, Robert Thorpe wrote:
> Total noob here - and non-programmer to boot, as will become 
> immediately apparent from the code below - so please be gentle. 
> Before I start getting to know emacs as an end-users - which I'm 
> highly motivated to do, despite the amazingly steep learning curve to 
> do the most basic things - I plan to of course highly customize my 
> emacs environment to suit my needs, before starting the muscle-memory 
> training required to become efficient. 

There's no one right way to learn Emacs.  But, I think the way you're 
choosing is a lot of work. 

You can start off using it for everyday editing, that's what I did and 
what lots of people do.  I expect you've done the tutorial and learned 
the keybindings, that's very useful.  Then read a bit of the manual 
and the internet resources occasionally and learn more. 

You only really need to looks for customizations, enable non-default 
packages, etc. when you run into a problem or you feel something is 
inefficient.  Why change the standard behaviour if it's not a problem? 


In the interest of keeping this thread focused on the implementation-specific 
issues rather than the diversions likely from my answer, I've started a new 
thread for the "pig picture" issues here:!topic/

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