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Re: themes not behaving themselves.

From: Dan.Espen
Subject: Re: themes not behaving themselves.
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:05:54 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> I have this strange problem in that if I load a theme with a dark background,
> such as "clues" or "soft-charcoal", or such like, it colours the line numbers
> and the line the cursor is on, leaving a darkened edging round the whole
> buffer! Inside the darkened edging it is "wheat-coloured", probably because
> I've been using the "wheat" theme. And if I unload the wheat theme, the buffer
> background stays the same with only very slight changes to the foreground,
> like highlighting text is the same colour as the rest of the line, or in
> other words, you can't see what you're highlighting! If I totally comment out
> all load-lines for themes and restart emacs, I still get the wheat-coloured
> background with slight changes in the foreground!
> How do I get back to being able to load and try out new, to me at least,
> themes please?

As we discussed a while back, in a thread something like "themes broken
as designed", themes are far from consistent about the faces they

After using one theme, the next them may or may not replace all the
changes it has made.

As far as I know, restarting Emacs is your only choice.

>  And how do I get the default theme back please?

Don't know.  I suppose removing any theme change from you .emacs
and restart.

Dan Espen

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