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difficulties with installing lispy and its dependencies via el-get

From: toogley
Subject: difficulties with installing lispy and its dependencies via el-get
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 11:04:17 +0200


i tried to install the lispy package via 

  (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "";))
  (setq el-get-sources
          (:name lispy
                 :type melpa
                 ;;:pkgname "abo-abo/lispy"
  (setq my/packages (append '(lispy)))
  (el-get 'sync my/packages)

=> Which produces the error "Error (el-get): while installing lispy: Unknown 
recipe type: :melpa"

When i change my init.el to:

  (setq el-get-sources
          (:name lispy
                 :type github
                 :pkgname "abo-abo/lispy"
  (setq my/packages (append '(lispy)))
  (el-get 'sync my/packages)

=> Which successfully installs lispy, but after setting "(lispy-mode 1)", I
receive the error "Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, avy", which

I can resolve if i manually set the dependencies of lispy like that:

  (setq el-get-sources
        '((:name org
                 :type git
                 :url "git://"
          (:name lispy
                 :type github
                 :pkgname "abo-abo/lispy"
          (:name avy
                 :type github
                 :pkgname "abo-abo/avy"
          (:name iedit
                 :type github
                 :pkgname "abo-abo/iedit"
          (:name swiper
                 :type github
                 :pkgname "abo-abo/swiper"
          (:name hydra
                 :type github
                 :pkgname "abo-abo/hydra"
  (setq my/packages (append '(lispy avy iedit swiper hydra)))
  (el-get 'sync my/packages)

=> But that produces "Symbol’s function definition is void: defhydra" if i want
to set (lispy-mode 1)

What can I do to resolve this issue?


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