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Re: emacs doesn't inherit PATH from environment

From: Larry Evans
Subject: Re: emacs doesn't inherit PATH from environment
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 08:53:10 -0600
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On 02/13/2018 08:24 PM, Larry Evans wrote:
On 02/13/2018 07:27 PM, Glenn Morris wrote:
Larry Evans wrote:

However, in emacs eshell with the PATH set in ~/emacs.d/init.common.el:

Welcome to the Emacs shell

~/.emacs.d $ echo $PATH

Incorrect use of ";" rather than ":" to separate elements at the start of PATH.

AH!  Correct.  After change to : all worked as expected:

--{--cut here--
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/prog_dev/python/pdfminer/pdfminer/" -*-
Compilation started at Tue Feb 13 20:22:30

make -k which
tail ~/.emacs.d/init.common.el
       (transient-mark-mode 1)

(setenv "PATH"
    "/home/evansl/anaconda3/bin" ":"
    "/home/evansl/miniconda3/bin" ":"
    (getenv "PATH")

Compilation finished at Tue Feb 13 20:22:30

--}--cut here--
Thanks to everybody for the help and especially to those
who caught the typo ;)


But why must I prepend the missing paths with that
(setenv "PATH"...) in my ~/.emacs.d/init.common.el?
After all, according to:

  The value of environment variable “PATH” is used by emacs when you are
  running a shell in emacs, similar to when you are using a shell in
  a terminal.

from here:

that should be done automatically.

I think the answer is that I usually invoke emacs
from a pulldown menu in my window system, and I'm
guessing that doesn't use my bash environmnent.
However, when, in my ~/.profile, the PATH is exported,
then *that* PATH shows up in emacs; so, I'm guessing
the windowing system uses sh instead of bash and
therefore the PATH is taken from sh instead of bash.


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