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RE: Temporary notes in Emacs buffers?

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Temporary notes in Emacs buffers?
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2019 07:54:43 -0800 (PST)

> I've been wondering if there is some package which could let me make
> "temporary notes" in Emacs buffers, similar to (but different than) the
> "yellow notes" in some pdf viewers.
> My use case is that I'm making a sweeping change across a pretty large
> codebase, and I'd like to make some notes in places I've already
> visited
> / ones I need to change / etc.
> At present, I use normal code comments, however, this is suboptimal,
> since I cannot use them in certain modes (occur buffer, JSON).
> Ideally, a place with a comment would have that comment highlighted
> somehow, and I should be able to go to the next/previous comment, and
> list all comments in a file or in the project (think Git repo,
> Projectile project or a directory tree).  Also, mass inserting such
> comments from an occur/multi-occur/projectile-ag/counsel-rg/etc.
> buffers
> would be great.
> What I /don't/ want is modifying the files - the comments might persist
> in some /other/, .gitignore-d file, or just disappear on exiting Emacs.
> I know bookmark+ has similar features, but I'd prefer something more
> lightweight.
> Does there exist something like that?  Am I the only one interested in
> such a feature?  (I'd be happy to code it myself, though it would take
> time, of course.)

Vanilla Emacs bookmarks provide the ability to annotate.
Bookmark+ enhances annotating (e.g. to use Org and
indirection), but the annotation provided by vanilla
Emacs bookmarking does what you requested.

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