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Re: To get list of key bindings sorted by modifier

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: To get list of key bindings sorted by modifier
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 22:32:47 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Eli Zaretskii <> [2020-12-07 18:44]:
> > Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 09:52:41 +0300
> > From: Jean Louis <>
> > Cc:
> > 
> > But I have 2 Alt keys where the right one I never use.
> > 
> > How can I make the right tab distinguished new modifier key?
> That is specific to your keyboard software and driver, so I don't know
> the answer.

This is just GNU Hyperbola/Linux-libre and Thinkpad notebooks. I have
seen online people switch right Alt to become Ctrl2 but I would like
right Alt to become Alt as now is Meta. Tried with xmodmap but it is
still meta in Emacs.

>From manual:
(info "(emacs) Modifier Keys")

|    Even if your keyboard lacks these additional modifier keys, you can
| enter it using ‘C-x @’: ‘C-x @ h’ adds the Hyper flag to the next
| character, ‘C-x @ s’ adds the Super flag, and ‘C-x @ a’ adds the Alt
| flag.  For instance, ‘C-x @ h C-a’ is a way to enter ‘Hyper-Control-a’.
| (Unfortunately, there is no way to add two modifiers by using ‘C-x @’
| twice for the same character, because the first one goes to work on the
| ‘C-x’.)

But I would not like pressing 3 keys C, x and @ when I already have
unused Alt on right side of the keyboard and I also have Menu which
does sometimes Emacs stuff, sometimes Window Manager stuff depending
of the window manager. By all means I wish to shorten the keys that I

Caps Lock - to be modifier
Right Alt - could be Alt
Right Control - could be Hyper
Right Menu key - could be something as well

That would greatly enhance my work.

I have now made Caps Lock to by my Hyper:


clear      lock 
clear   control
clear      mod1
clear      mod2
clear      mod3
clear      mod4
clear      mod5
keycode      37 = Hyper_L
keycode      66 = Control_L
add     control = Control_L Control_R
add        mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L
add        mod2 = Num_Lock
add        mod3 = Hyper_L
add        mod4 = Super_L Super_R
add        mod5 = Mode_switch ISO_Level3_Shift

This may not be alright all. For right now it works. As C-h k with
CapsLock-m for example gives me: H-m is undefined. Hyper key is there
that is great. CapsLock I never use in its own definition. It makes
sense to use Caps Lock on a real physical type writer which is heavy
and difficult to keep in Caps Lock position by using hands. On
computer is not necessary. Key is more useful to become Hyper key.

I still need to understand how to make right Alt behave as Alt and not

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