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How to make "grep-mode" open a single vertical split for showing results

From: doltes
Subject: How to make "grep-mode" open a single vertical split for showing results?
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 18:31:34 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.14; emacs 27.1

Two months ago I created
[[][a question]] in
Emacs Stack Exchange and I didn't get any significant help. So far, I
haven't solved this question, so I'm asking here with the hope that
someone might help me with this.

Basically, what I'm trying to accomplish is to make =grep-mode= show
all ocurrences in the same vertical split. In other words, I only want
it to open a single vertical split. By default, I use a very
minimalistic font: =Misc Fixed:pixelsize=7=. In the gif shown below,
you can see that when using this font, 7 splits are opened which is
overwhelming and distracting.

GIF image

Note that I can accomplish what I'm requesting if I use a very big
font (e.g. =Iosevka SS04 Light 20=) (see gif below). However, I would
like to have the same behavior with the font I like to use, =Misc

GIF image


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