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Beautify and reformat a complicated shell script with Emacs for readabil

From: Hongyi Zhao
Subject: Beautify and reformat a complicated shell script with Emacs for readability.
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 22:02:16 +0800

I have a shell script which includes the following complicated code snippet:

while :; do
  curl -X POST \
       -d "$(
         curl -s -X POST \
                 jq '

                    + (.records[] | select(.name == "free") |
"&record_id=" + .id + "&record_line_id=" + .line_id +
"&sub_domain=free" )
                    ' |
                 sed -re 's/^"//;s/"$//'
       )" | jq .
  sleep 30

I want to beautify and reformat this complicated code snippet with
Emacs automatically for readability. Is it possible?

Assoc. Prof. Hongyi Zhao <>
Theory and Simulation of Materials
Hebei Polytechnic University of Science and Technology engineering
NO. 552 North Gangtie Road, Xingtai, China

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