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Cycle that highlights whitespace and displays line-column numbers

From: pietru
Subject: Cycle that highlights whitespace and displays line-column numbers
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 17:56:37 +0100

I want to cycle through whitespace highlighting functionality, but I am
not getting very good behavior while looping.  I would be grateful if
people could help me improve the code.

(defvar-local dfvl-highlight-chars-state nil)

(defun cycle-highlight-chars ()
  "Cycle though character highlighting (tabs and trailing spaces)."

  (when (eq dfvl-highlight-chars-state nil)
    (require 'whitespace)
    (setq whitespace-style '(face tab-mark tabs trailing)) )

  (pcase dfvl-highlight-chars-state
    (2 (whitespace-mode 0)                ; [#A] Disable emacs modes
       (display-line-numbers-mode 0)
       (setq line-number-mode nil)
       (setq column-number-mode nil)

       (ruler-mode 1)                     ; [#B] Enable emacs modes
       (message "%s" "Enable: Ruler only")
       (setq-local dfvl-highlight-chars-state 3))

    (3 (ruler-mode 0)                     ; [#C]
       (whitespace-mode 0)
       (setq line-number-mode nil)
       (setq column-number-mode nil)
       (display-line-numbers-mode 0)
       (message "%s" "Disable: Space highlight & frame measure")
       (setq-local dfvl-highlight-chars-state 1))

    (_ (whitespace-mode 1)                ; [#D]
       (ruler-mode 1)
       (setq line-number-mode 1)
       (setq column-number-mode 1)
       (display-line-numbers-mode 1)
       (message "%s" "Enable: Space highlight & frame measure")
       (setq-local dfvl-highlight-chars-state 2)) ))

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