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Re: Any faster way to find frequency of words?

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Any faster way to find frequency of words?
Date: Sun, 9 May 2021 20:16:42 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0.6 (2021-03-06)

* Eric Abrahamsen <> [2021-05-09 17:57]:
> Jean Louis <> writes:
> > I am interested if there is some better way for Emacs Lisp to find
> > frequency of words.
> >
> > Purpose is to create HTML clickable tag clouds similar to image tag
> > clouds. But I will invoke Perl from Emacs to generate it. For that, I
> > have to analyze the text first.
> Is there any particular improvement you're trying to make?

I am invoking Perl on the fly and producing clickable HTML tag
cloud. It would be boring and tiresome to re-write Perl's module into
Emacs Lisp, though useful. For now, I rather just do it on the fly.

As HTML tags are created from text, I need nothing but alphabetical
characters. Function is invoked rarely.

It is also useful to generate tags for particular text, that helps me
to curate WWW pages.

> I guess I'd suggest using Emacs syntax parsing functions, ie
> `forward-word' and `buffer-substring'. Then you can fine tune the
> definition of words using the local syntax table.

That is also interesting approach, it could just go over the words and
enter them into list.

> >     (mapc (lambda (word)
> >         (when (> (length word) 2)
> >           (let ((word (downcase word)))
> >             (if (numberp (gethash word hash))
> >                 (puthash word (1+ (gethash word hash)) hash)
> >               (puthash word 1 hash)))))
> While hash tables are probably best for very large texts, alists are
> nice because you can use place-setting with a default, simplifying the
> above to:
> (cl-incf (alist-get word frequency-alist 0 nil #'equal))

The idea gave me idea to use the defaults from hashes, so I have made
it now as below (puthash word (1+ (gethash word hash 0)) hash), that
is result of brain storming here...

(defun rcd-word-frequency (text &optional length)
  "Returns word frequency as hash from TEXT.

Words smaller than LENGTH are discarded from counting."
  (let* ((hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
         (text (text-alphabetic-only text))
         (length (or length 3))
         (words (split-string text " " t " "))
         (words (mapcar 'downcase words))
         (words (mapcar (lambda (word) (when (> (length word) length) word)) 
         (words (delq nil words)))
    (mapc (lambda (word)
            (puthash word (1+ (gethash word hash 0)) hash))

I am not sure if I should rather collect it into alist. Maybe I could
collect it straight into by frequency ordered list like:

(("word" 9) ("another" 7) ("more" 3))

That is what I am doing here, to construct string of most frequent tags:

(defun rcd-word-frequency-string (text &optional length how-many-words)
  (let* ((words (rcd-word-frequency text length))
         (words (hash-to-list words))
         (number (or how-many-words 20))
         (frequent (seq-sort (lambda (a b)
                               (> (cadr a) (cadr b)))
    (mapconcat (lambda (a) (car a)) (butlast frequent (- (length frequent) 
number)) " ")))

(rcd-word-frequency-string text nil 5) ⇒ "consectetur ipsum amet maecenas 


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