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Re: Question Regarding Cursor Blink Color For Themes In Emacs

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: Re: Question Regarding Cursor Blink Color For Themes In Emacs
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 18:53:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Samuel Banya wrote:

> I've been trying to develop my own theme in Emacs which has
> been good so far

Hm, okay, how does that work? See my face file below, is that
a theme? How does your work?

> However, I do have one weird thing I've noticed, the cursor
> while in 'blink-mode' produces a background which is fine,
> but defaults to black text for its foreground color, which
> makes it very hard to use in modes like Org Mode, etc.

Don't know, have that disabled below/before Emacs
(blink-cursor-mode is actually t! sacrilege). No,

  # cursor blink
  sudo chmod a+w $cursor_blink
  echo 0 > $cursor_blink

but there _is_ a `cursor' face ...

Do you use Emacs with -nw in xterm in X?

xterm*cursorBlink: false
xterm*cursorcolor: #000000

In the words of the barrel racer: just try, and you will fly!

(defun set-all-faces (fg &optional bg weight)
  (let ((backg (or bg     "black"))
        (wght  (or weight 'normal))
        (faces) )
    (mapatoms (lambda (s)
                (when (facep s)
                  (push (symbol-name s) faces) )))
    (dolist (f faces)
      (set-face-attribute (intern f) nil
                          :foreground fg)
                          :background backg
                          :weight     wght
                          :italic     nil) ))
;; (set-all-faces "red")
;;                      ^ eval here

underground experts united

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