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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Correct - Accounting with Mysql error

From: Sergey Poznyakoff
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Correct - Accounting with Mysql error
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2003 17:33:19 +0300

Together with your previous posting, this means that there is some
misconfiguration either on the radius server or on the NAS side (or
on the both sides).

> Jun 03 14:47:21: Acct.error: logout: login entry for NAS 200.164.x.39 port 
> 438 not found

This error appears when the stop request arrives and its session is
already closed. Seems like a duplicate logout packet arrived outside
of the cleanup interval. This means (1) that your NAS is not receiving
accounting replies from the server and (2) that you need to
synchronize the values of `request-cleanup-delay' in sections `auth'
and `acct' of your raddb/config with your actual NAS configuration.

> Jun 03 14:47:20: Acct.error: logout: login entry for NAS 200.249.x.21 port 80 
> not found
> Jun 03 14:47:20: Acct.warning: SQL gapel (2003060317543429555) 0 rows changed

This means that there was no start accounting request for this
particular session. Either the NAS didn't send it, or it was lost.


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