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Re: [Help-gnucap] howto use different phase and frequency in sources for

From: Rubén Gómez Antolí
Subject: Re: [Help-gnucap] howto use different phase and frequency in sources for transient analysis?
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 21:30:56 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090701)

Hello al:

al davis escribió:
On Saturday 17 October 2009, Rubén Gómez Antolí wrote:
I need to specify different phases in sources in this way:

I1 phase=-10 freq=60
I2 phase=150 freq=180
I3 phase=-56 freq=300

SIN sources not admit phase option.

I try with generator function: .gen ampl=10 phase=-10 freq=60
I1 n1 n2 generator(1)
.gen ampl=15 phase=150 freq=180
I1 n2 n3 generator(2)

but I see that generator don't work in this way.

You are correct .. It don't work in this way.
I look for in the net without sucess. I see that in AC
 analysis is possible, but I need to do in transient

There are anyway to do this?

What is the meaning of phase in transient analysis, when you have different frequencies? The phase relationship between them is always changing. I suppose it could be the phase at time=0, and translate to delay.

It's an class exercise based on a example from Power Electronics's Mohan book.

I'm checking the harmonic current influence in circuit.

In a previous Fourier analisys I get phase and frequency of currents for 1, 3 and 5 harmonic:

# i(LS)     --------- actual ---------  -------- relative --------
#freq       value        dB      phase  value        dB      phase
 0.         0.0063273  -43.98   90.000  405.58E-6  -67.84  100.271
 60.        15.601      23.86  -10.271  1.           0.00   -0.000
 120.       0.011073   -39.11  -92.415  709.79E-6  -62.98  -82.144
 180.       11.821      21.45  148.226  0.75772     -2.41  158.497
 240.       0.0071613  -42.90   85.933  459.04E-6  -66.76   96.205
 300.       6.3621      16.07  -57.484  0.40781     -7.79  -47.213

Then, I put three current sources in the original circuit, which was thought to be used in Pspice format, for this reason this phase value. :^(

What you do have is "delay". You can get what you want with SIN source, specifying a delay in seconds.

try delay={(phase/360)/frequency}

I try with it:

1· I obtained the "correct" waves for I1, I3 and I5.

2· I can't obtain the "correct" wave for I(LS).

I think there is something wrong in circuit, but I'm not sure. Here are the circuit:

* Single-Phase, Diode-Bridge Rectifier
* Fourier components of i(LS) are included as I1, I2 and I3.
* Power Electronics: Simulation, Analysis & N. Mohan.

DX      101 102   POWER_DIODE
RSNUB   102 103   1000.0
CSNUB   103 101   0.01uF
.MODEL  POWER_DIODE  D( RS=0.01, CJO=100pF )


.PARAM  FASE1 = -10.04
.PARAM  FASE2 =  148.9
.PARAM  FASE3 = -56.39
.PARAM   FREQ0 =  60.0Hz
.PARAM   FREQ1 =  60.0Hz
.PARAM   FREQ2 = 180.0Hz
.PARAM   FREQ3 = 300.0Hz

LS       1  2  1mH
RS       2  3  1m

LD       4  5  1uH
RLOAD    5  6  20.0
CD       5  6  1000uF IC=160V

XD1      3  4  DIODE_WITH_SNUB
XD3      0  4  DIODE_WITH_SNUB
XD2      6  0  DIODE_WITH_SNUB
XD4      6  3  DIODE_WITH_SNUB

VS       1  0  SIN(0 170V {FREQ0} 0 0)

I1       7  0  SIN(0 15.35A {FREQ1}  {RETRASO1} 0)
I3       8  0  SIN(0 11.74A {FREQ2}  {RETRASO2} 0)
I5       9  0  SIN(0 6.482A {FREQ3}  {RETRASO3} 0)

R1       7  0  1.0
R3       8  0  1.0
R5       9  0  1.0


What do you think about this?


Salud y Revolución.


Libertad es poder elegir en cualquier momento. Ahora yo elijo GNU/Linux,
para no atar mis manos con las cadenas del soft propietario.
Desde El Ejido, en Almería, usuario registrado Linux #294013

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