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[Help-gnunet] Segfault on 'gnunet-transport-check -p' with 0.7.0e

From: Jérôme Blanc
Subject: [Help-gnunet] Segfault on 'gnunet-transport-check -p' with 0.7.0e
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 09:38:30 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.8.2


I am using an up to date Mandriva 2006 x86_64. I compiled from the source the 
latest libextractor (0.5.14) and GNUnet (0.7.0e) versions.

I did the basic configuration with gnunet-setup, and then generated all the 
necessary config files with gnunet-update.

Following the documentation, I then tested the transports and I obtained the 
following : 

address@hidden ~]$ gnunet-transport-check
Testing transport(s) udp tcp http nat
`tcp' transport OK.  It took 92ms to transmit 1 messages of 11 bytes each.
`http': Could not send.
`udp' transport OK.  It took 2ms to transmit 1 messages of 11 bytes each.
aoû 20 09:33:57 ERROR: `pthread_kill' failed with error code ESRCH: Aucun 
processus de ce type

I've got there a first error which doesn't seem to have any effect. Still I 
guess it's not really normal ;-)

But then I tried with the -p options and here is a deeper trouble : 

address@hidden ~]$ gnunet-transport-check -p
Available transport(s): udp tcp http nat
Erreur de segmentation

('Erreur de segmentation' stands for 'Segmentation Fault'). 

Is there anything I can do to find out the reason of the Segfault or that I 
might help debug it for the next version ? 

Thanks and regards,
Jérôme Blanc
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