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[Help-gnunet] A Graph Database on top GNUnet

From: amz3
Subject: [Help-gnunet] A Graph Database on top GNUnet
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 08:21:09 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.5


I am investigating how to create a graph database on top GNUnet. It seems like nothing like that exists and what approach most to this might be titan which works on top of hadoop stack (

What I'm looking at is directed property graph which means that:

- Vertex have properties
- Edge have properties and are directed

In one of the possible representation of that data structure there is an object that I call Element which gathers the features of Vertex and Edge. In the regard of this representation a graph database is an object database with link information. That link information is very significant, that's what makes every vertex aware of their edges incomings or outgoings. Without that information, to know whether a node is linked to another node is difficult.

My understanding is that GNUnet is a "append only database". What I don't know is what are the primitives. I know that there is:

- put FILE: store the given FILE with its HASH as key
- get HASH: retrieve the file with the given HASH if any

And some sort of search primitive that lookup the file names. I don't how efficient it is.

Based on that, I came up with a way to design a file based graph database for a P2P network where links/edges are only directed, they have no property:

- a Vertex has its hash as name
- an Edge is named after the start vertex and end vertex, say an edge between A and B will be named A:B

The thing is that a vertex to know about it's outgoings edges and incomings edges, it must issue a search request so it's might not be very efficient. Is it possible to issue a regex-like search for instance "A:.*" or ".*:B" ?

I'm thinking about another design for a file based graphdb but it relies on the existence of directories and the ability to list the files of a directory. Is it possible with GNUnet? Would it perform better?

Thanks in advance.

amz3 ~

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