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Re: Trouble with fonts

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Trouble with fonts
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 01:17:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; de-DE; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011019 Netscape6/6.2

George 'Nephrite' Potapov wrote:

> Hello!
> Here's my problem:
> I downloaded the latest stable release of GNUstep (make 1.2.1, base
> 1.1.0, gui 0.7.5 and xgps 0.7.5)
> configured it with
> configure --prefix=/site/GNUstep
> and successfully built it
> Then I started some applications. And here is the trouble: all
> characters everywhere i.e. in menus, panels and buttons also were
> changed into asterisks ('*') so that applications were totally
> unusuable. Everithing else seems to be fine. So what went wrong and
>  how do I fix it?
> I have PentiumII box with Linux Slackware 7.0 installed, kernel
> 2.4.9, XFree86 4.1.0 and use gcc 3.0.1

Looks like this problem is becoming a FAQ. The short answer is that your
font installation does not map to your font usage. And the long answer
is what I posted some weeks ago to a similar question:

> The problem you are getting come from the fact that the xgps backend
>  (when not using Xft) will only use one fixed X font for a given
> font name. If the font "helvetica" is used inside of GNUstep the
> one selected X font, in your case
> "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" is used. So
> only characters (or glyphs) that are available in that font can be
> displayed. The selection which font name to use happens inside the
> font_cacher and is more or less at random (the order fonts are
> listed by the X system).
> You can influence the fonts that are available by setting:
> defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSFontMask "*iso8859-13*"
> and recreating your font cache (by deleting the old one). As has
> been noted by Adam, this is not the best way to go and in the long
> run GNUstep will have to be able to provide different fonts with
> the same encoding. Font sets may be a way to go here.

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