Hi again!
Now that I managed to compile GWorkspace and GNUMail, I have the
following problem:
openapp /usr/GNUstep/System/Applications/GWorkspace.app
2003-02-26 10:02:39.273 GWorkspace[12821] No local time zone specified.
2003-02-26 10:02:39.273 GWorkspace[12821] Using time zone with absolute
offset 0.
2003-02-26 10:02:39.249 GWorkspace[12821] NSApplication.m:191
failed in initialize_gnustep_backend. Unable to find backend
gnu-gnu/GWorkspace: Uncaught exception
NSInternalInconsistencyException, reason: NSApplication.m:191
Assertion failed in initialize_gnustep_backend. Unable to find
backend libgnustep-back.bundle
There is definitely a problem with finding the libraries.... but why is
that ?