Alex Bilyk@ASUS ~/projects/helloworld
$ make
This is gnustep-make 2.2.0. Type 'make print-gnustep-make-help' for help.
Making all for app HelloWorld...
Compiling file main.m ...
Linking app HelloWorld ...
Creating library file: ./
Alex Bilyk@ASUS ~/projects/helloworld
$ openapp ./HelloWorld
Alex Bilyk@ASUS ~/projects/helloworld
$ defaults read NSGlobalDomain
NSGlobalDomain GSLogSyslog NO
I ran
$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSLogSyslog NO
prior to the run. Can there be
something wrong with the console itself? Does output use UTF8, that might be causing this issue? In any case even though the value above is set to NO, NSLog outputs still go to the event viewer.
Thanks for helping out,
From: Fred Kiefer <>
To: Alex Bilyk <>
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2009 9:22:57 AM
Subject: Re: printf: doens't print on WinXP installation
Alex Bilyk schrieb:
> Just installed GNUstep on Win XP. Doing the simplest of things with a main
> function that has printf("hello, world"); in it. Everything compiles and
> runs, except there is no output to the console. I can step through code in
> dgb and it goes over this line fine. A bit of a puzzle. Tried to use
> NSLog(@"..."); version - same result. App is built and run successfully,
> but with no printout to the console. Any ideas? BTW, stepping in gdb over
> the NSLog version has some issues that the printf version doesn't have, but
> that's a separate topic. I'm really after the printout at the moment, as you
> might imagine:)
Hi Alex,
I cannot help you with printf which is a library function, but for NSLog
I am able to tell you that most likely you will find its output in the
event viewer of windows. You may change this by setting the user default
Running with gdb should also result in the output going to
the terminal.
Which terminal are you using?